Monday, 28 May 2012

Write fiction the right way

I recently posted to LinkedIn regarding the way we are currently being taught to write (succinctly, no over-writing, less adverbs, less adjectives, less similes, less metaphors, trimming fat, don’t use the same word over and over, shorter condensed descriptions, stronger verbs and nouns, delete not required backstory, don’t repeat yourself, use active voice the majority of the time, increase action, express don’t explain, show don’t tell, etc.) and asked other writers if they know of any professional  published authors that write this way. There aren’t many. It seems that most people break the rules.
One thing I heard was; learn all the rules, then once you have done that and you are proficient in writing the way you are suppose to, only then are you allowed to break the rules as you see fit. Probably good advice. Still, how can we learn from ‘good’ authors if everyone breaks the rules?
Ernest Hemingway seems to be one of those well known and respected published authors that does write the way we are suppose to write. There are probably others, I just haven’t read their novels yet.
It is annoying, though, that we continue to pick up and learn supposedly bad habits from almost every single novel that's on the shelves today.

Here’s the link in case you’re interested:

*The group is private, so you will have to join to see the posts. Only takes a second and it's through LinkedIn, so it's safe. If you're already a part of LinkedIn then it will take even less time.

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