Tuesday, 13 February 2018

World Writers Collective and Editing Help

Welcome to our writing source (in case you have not already been welcomed). 
The information within these short posts is designed to help you stay informed about writing, editing, and publishing. As well as allow you to get help from other writers.

We have our Facebook Page, which I encourage you to join so that you and other writers can communicate with each other regarding the mechanics of writing, as well talk about editing, plot, characters, etc.
This group is not just for Melbourne, but for everyone around the world. So it is a good source of information.
Join and begin posting up information to share with others. The only way we can gain knowledge is if everyone helps!

We also have a website which has had a few new offers added. Such as professional editing. Take a look and get in contact if this interests you. There are samples available if you need them.
Explore the rest of the website as well and inform other writers about its existence (getting ourselves out there as writers can succeed as a joint effort).

There is also our dropbox if you would like to have your work edited for free by other writers.
You can view the dropbox via the link and read the READ ME file to find out more.
This is especially helpful if you are entering a writing competition and actually want to win.

Which brings me to our last offer, a writing competition :)
Only $5 to enter, so won't break the bank.
If you join the World Writers Collective website, then it is $15 for the year, and you get a free entry into each writing competition. So consider that if you like.
We also have our top five winners listed on the website from the previous competition. Why not have a read of their stories.

Now all you need to do is have a great week!

P.S. If you live (or are visiting) in and around Melbourne, you can come to our group and meet other writers and chat. All are welcome: https://www.meetup.com/Melbourne-Writers