I don’t get celebrities and their crazy ways. A lot of these quirks are from older writers, so maybe it’s just different times now?
Regardless, it’s easy for us to sit back and read about an author and shake our heads while our lives are probably just as bizarre and belong in the kid’s book, Wacky Wednesday.
No I don’t know why there are 43 when it clearly states 42?!?!
Check out the link below to see what factinate.com has to offer: https://www.worldwriterscollective.com
“From quirky writing processes to metaphysical hobbies, writers are complex, intellectual creatures who draw inspiration from the depths of their vivid imagination. They straddle multiple worlds, sometimes living a colourful, flamboyant life, and at other times existing in isolation and poverty. Here are 42 insights into the multi-faceted lives of famous writers.”