Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Free to create websites: Wix, Weebly, Webstarts, Google, Others

I wonder if it was on purpose that all these start with "W"?

So you're thinking about making your own website to promote yourself, your business, or sell something? Great, good idea! Now where to begin?

There are many options for free websites. They then have options to pay for the site and receive more benefits. There are also companies that solely have you trial a website you create, then offer a payment plan after 2 weeks if you wish to keep it. I'm not interested in paid ones, so I mostly cover the free ones, but really the main difference with the two kinds is that with a paid site you get to choose your domain name, while the free site will often include the company name. The second main benefit is that you are able to run a "shop" from your website with the paid option. But, that is not something I cover, since again, this is not what I want to do. I instead run links to Amazon and Smashwords.

Here are examples of the two kinds of choices of domain names.
Paid: www.(your name or business).com
Unpaid: www.(your name or business)

Here are some free web domains I created:

Then, last, is a paid option from Bron, who is from my writers group: (Weebly)

As you can see, all my sites have the company name in the domain, Bron's does not.

You can also create your own domain through Wordpress, which I understand is quite good. I have a second blog on wordpress, but that's it. There are also other web hosting companies where they will set up a page for you, or if you have the ability, allow you to set it up yourself. That's what I did with "Wranga". It was put together using an Adobe program I learned back in 2005. And then uploaded to my site using a FTP program. Complicated? Yes!

Out of all the sites listed above, I found "Wix" to be the easiest and quickest to learn and then setup. Also, the more manageable to alter and correct. It also comes with some great designs and has a great ability to add functions or take them away.

Second, is  Weebly. Still fairly easy to use, and also has many templates to choose from. But because it took just a little more effort than I was willing to put in, I only did a single page.

Same with "Webstarts", except a little more clunky again.

I suggest you try each one out and then decide which is best for you. Possibly even a good idea to create a bogus website first to test it out. Not necessary, but if you aren't sure of what you want, then could be a good first move.

Wix, for example, allows you to change many things once you decide on a template, but not the template itself. So decide carefully. Also, it uses your email address in the domain name, but from what I read you can change that.

In the end the decision is yours what you do, or just use them all. It's free after all.

Oh, and if you wonder why I haven't mentioned the Google Sites, it's because I found them clunky. However, if you don't mind fiddling, then at least you're insured a very high place on the list when someone searches your name / website on Google!!


P.S. Each of the listed websites that were created using the free webmaker tools, contain a link at the top or bottom right allowing you to visit the free web making site. If you can't locate it, then just type www. then wix or weebly or webstarts, and then .com

P.P.S. I noticed that Webstarts does not work properly on Windows XP.

Other blogs:

Sunday, 22 September 2013

This will interest all you Romance writers!

Interested in writing and being published with a Romance publisher? Want your book to be on the stands on Valentines Day in 2014? Then you better get yourself to the Carina Publishing website!
Get your Synopsis in now :D

Friday, 20 September 2013

My Blogs in list form

Even though this is not 20 times better than the way Blogger lists my blogs, at least it is a little easier to see what I've written on writing and other random topics and allows you to access them quickly:

Questions and Answers on writing and publishing

Free to create websites: Wix, Weebly, Webstarts, Google, Others

This will interest all you Romance writers!

More people need to step out of the box and make those chips fall where you damn-well want them to land.

Straddling bus - So, traffic congestion solved! What's the next issue on the egenda

Create professional webpage - completely free!

Disturbing website - also weird zombie thing

Bungee ball in Surfers Paradise - many many years ago

31 Odd Short Stories, by Mat Clarke

Nice was actually not so nice in the 1300s

Editing services

Was and Were may slow a sentence down and make it boring!

Meat Vs Veg

Recommended reading for anyone trying to self edit!

What NOT to Do When Beginning Your Novel: Advice from Literary Agents

Are your eyes failing you?

Wheeler Centre for writers

Story First Genre second?

3D printing body parts

Help With Hemorrhoids - Don't Panic They're Just Hemorrhoids

Trying to sell a service or product?

Don't Panic They're Just Hemorrhoids - Cure hemorrhoids now!

Tunnel-Bridge across lower Port Phillip, Melbourne

Australian DJs prank UK Hospital to speak to Kate

No death for anyone!

Who reads now days?

Melbourne Earthquake - Write all about it

Lost backpack in taxi - bye bye laptop

Just tested my writing style with an automated tester

Write fiction the right way

Australia Day: No more UnAustralian phrases

What have you read?

Writing in New York City

Writers need a drink every now and then

I say, write what feels right and go with it

How many words in a novel

Are you writing for you or others?

Pressie, Christmas present, not absent

A publisher for you!

Commas before a name (or sir, buddy, mate etc) and after a salutation

Writers of Melbourne - join us!

Free writing & Stream-of-consciousness writing

How to publish your own book. Includes legwork!

It's your book! You should do what you think is best.

Information on getting your book published

Thursday, 19 September 2013

More people need to step out of the box and make those chips fall where you damn-well want them to land.

If you're like me and don't walk with the other followers, then you'll appreciate the title to this post.
I decided umpteen years ago that I would take an original path and not be concerned with the way others did things. Actually, little did I realise at the time that it was completely out of my control anyway.

At the age of 16 and hearing about how everyone's parents were paying off a house for 30 years, and would probably never pay it off, I decided that I would work out a system to pay off my house quickly, then I wouldn't have the massive debt that everyone complained about.

How? I saved instead of getting a loan. Easy if you belong out of the box (as previously implied, I don't step out of the box, I was never in there in the first place). Fourteen years later I owned my own house.

Later, I wanted to write a novel (I have always written, but never something so immense). Three months later, novel written! Three years after that, I have learned how to edit so my book is actually readable and enjoyable and easily read. I wrote another two novels, have five more on the go and have many short stories available online.

Now if I can just talk a publisher into liking my novels!

Other projects: 
Currently learning Objective-C to make Apps.
Making a zombie 30 second short.
Littering the internet with the name, Mat Clarke.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Straddling bus - So, traffic congestion solved! What's the next issue on the egenda

Reduce road traffic and pollution, increase through-traffic, speed up freeways into the city. Maybe even have them running all the way down to the Peninsula?

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Create professional webpage - completely free!

How I came across this site, I can not recall, but I'm glad I did. It's even better than Google Sites. This website allows you to create some great website pages that look like they've been created by a professional.

Each element and all the text can be altered, deleted and replaced. Plus, there are options to add more.

You can have more than one page and you can even set up something for shopping / Paypal, it states, so people can buy items / books directly from you and not Amazon! How great is that!

I've started mine, but have only set up the first page. Here it is here:

I'll definitely get around to adding more soon.

No experience necessary. It displays little helpers to direct you on what to do next and how to do it.

One piece of advice, use an mail address for your sign in, which is also your pen name, it uses this to create your website address. 
The site states that this can be changed later, however, so don't stress too much if you aren't able to follow this advice when you first create your account.

Have fun!

P.S. On my website, on the top right corner, is the TAB: Create a Wix Site. Click there to make your own webpage.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Disturbing website - also weird zombie thing

Strange, disturbing and a little odd, is the only way to describe this company.
Here's their slogan.

Tech Dynamics strangles the competition to give you the best and only leading products

Caution, I am a Zombie Automated detection and decapitation system (later renamed). You may call me Zad. I have been programmed by Tech Dynamics to destroy all zombie affected organisms in your city streets. I will not come within 10 to 20 metres of a human who has a beating heart. Also, I can not climb stairs, go through doors or go through walls. If I malfunction, please call 1800-ZADSM1 and give my serial number to have me shutdown. If ZADS head office is unavailable due to a zombie apocalypse, please reduce your height to under  one point two metres, or 4 feet, so that I am not able to dismember you. You can also locate my off switch and circuit breaker at the base of the spinning blades. Thank you and have a wonderful zombie free day.
MARK II and MARK III coming to a store near you soon.

The above is an audio I found online.